Title: In the Chamber of Bliss 蔡锷与小凤仙
Cast: Damien Lau Chung Yan (刘松仁) Kathy Chow Hoi Mei (周海媚) Dominic Lam Ka Wah (林嘉华) Kenneth Ma Kwok Ming (马国明) Krystal Tin Yui Nei (田蕊妮) Angela Tong (汤盈盈) Toby Leung (梁靖琪) Law Lok Lam (罗乐林)
Episodes: 20
Release date: 21 September 2009
Producer: Wong Wai Sing
Scriptwriter: Lo Mei Wan, Choi Suk Yin, Lau Choi Wan
Military Governor CHOI NGOK (Damien Lau) has been attempting to overthrow the Yuen Sai Hoi government. To facilitate his plan to stage an uprising in Yunnan, he pretends to be fooling around with the highly sought-after courtesan CHEUNG FUNG WAN (Kathy Chow), nicknamed SIU FUNG SIN, to avoid detection. YUEN SAI HOI (Law Lok Lam), who is suspicious of NGOK, sends the Chief of Staff MOK YIK TIN (Dominic Lam) to spy on him. Later he even lures NGOK’s wife PAK SZ TING (Krystal Tin) to Beijing, hoping that this will force NGOK to pledge his loyalty to the government. To ensure the success of the revolutionary movement, NGOK carries on with his affair with WAN as a camouflage, without realizing that she has seriously fallen in love with him. WAN is ready to give up everything just to be with NGOK while NGOK remains cold and distant towards her. Soldier YUE YAM KWOK (Kenneth Ma) is also in love with WAN and would like to get her out of her predicament. Sadly WAN turns him down, for her love for NGOK is so much stronger than one can ever imagine.
都督蔡鍔(刘松仁)密谋推翻袁世凯政权,为掩人耳目,以便秘密返回云南起义,遂藉亲近名妓小凤仙张凤云(周海媚)制造沉迷酒色、荒废政事的假象。袁 世凯(罗乐林)不信蔡鍔,多次派参谋长莫逆天(林嘉华)查探真伪,更不惜把蔡鍔的妻子白思婷(田蕊妮)诱来北京,迫令蔡鍔继续效忠。蔡鍔为顾全大局,利用 与凤云的感情作掩饰,凤云却对蔡鍔靡日不思,甚至為他除牌以明心志,惜蔡鍔冷对伊人,士官余任国(马国明)看在眼中,痛在心中,希望带她离开伤心地,可惜 凤云对蔡鍔的爱至死不渝..从此一个为革命,一个为爱情,在似真非假的的关係裡,互相猜度、折磨、思忆,娓娓弹奏着一段可歌可泣的凄美恋曲..
Synopsis Credits to : Astro on Demand
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