Saturday, May 30, 2009
American TV
Sunday, May 17, 2009
TVB Rumored Couples Earnings
Kevin Cheng (alone): $50,000
Charmaine Sheh (alone): $60,000
As a couple: $130,000
Moses Chan (alone): $70.000
Bernice Liu (alone): $70,000
As a couple: $180,000
Raymond Lam (alone): $80,000
Linda Chung (alone) $50,000
As a couple: $170,000
Bosco Wong (alone): $60,000
Myolie Wu (alone): $60,000
As a couple: $150,000
No wonder these couples usually answer a little slyly when asked if their romance is true- they make a lot of money! I'm surprised that Kevin doesn't make that much and that Charmaine makes the same as Bosco and Myolie. I would have thought that that she would have made more since she is considered the top fadan at TVB. This is also why I don't think TVB doesn't mind if their artists are actually going out, since they get a big cut of their earnings. Actually, they probably only don't mind if the 2 rumored artistes are popular. For example, Shirley would probably make more money if she were to be paired up with Ron instead of her longtime boyfriend who is more of an extra. Now that Kenneth and Nancy are rumored to be going out, who is Kate going to be paired with? Only popular fadans can be paired with popular siu sangs!
Source: Sudden Weekly Issue 717
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Apparently Elanne Kong doesn't keep a very well image of herself. Or she just too busy? As a artist they need to keep a good image of herself. I'm not talking about healthy image that a star need to keep for fans. I'm talking about appearances image. From the information about her, Elanne is in the entertainment circle for a while, but still kind of new. Even she busy she should still take the time to shave. So far i haven't seen an artist that haven't shave when there are chances of the camera will be right at their underarm.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Filming Beyond the Realm of Conscience is a pain
Tavia Yeung, Charmaine Sheh and Selena Li were involved with the filming of new TVB drama, Beyond the Realm of Conscience. The series is a period drama and the cast are required to be decked in period costumes. Not only the clothes and shoes but this time around, headgears are also required. Tavia has to constantly hold on to her headgear when filming and explained that the headgear is too heavy. It was revealed that her headgear weighs 4 kilograms! Tavia says, "For this series, the most difficult part is that my headdress is too heavy, right now my neck is swollen, each night I would have to treat it with medication."
Selena Li, on the other hand, needs more than the headgear. As her character is pregnant, she need additional padding for her chest area as well as stomach. Selena is excited to be playing a pregnant woman as she explains, "This is the first time I'm a pregnant woman in an ancient series!" However, Selena shares that among the three additional items, the headgear is the most uncomfortable. "it's so heavy that half the time I'm forgetting my lines, it's due to it being in the way," she says.
Charmaine Sheh takes wearing the headgear and pain all in her stride. So how come she has it easier that the others? Charmaine reveals, "At this point in the series, I'm still a low level person, so I don't have as much on my head. When I become a concubine, I will have to wear the headdress as well, I'm kind of afraid that my head will be in pain then."
Source: Oriental Daily with translations by: aZnangel @
TVB Just Love II 老婆大人II
Title: Just Love II 老婆大人II
Cast: Jessica Hsuan, Sunny Chan, Benx Hui, Joyce Tang, Natalie Tong, Patrick Tang, Selena Li, Johnson Lee, Ken Wong, Rosanne Lui
Episodes: 25
Release date: 4 May 2009
Filmed: May 2008
Producer: Chong Wai Kin
Scriptwriter: Wong Kwok Fai
Shrewish husband V.S. Shrewd wife
A bond between justice and affection
Career-minded magistrate KO HEI MAN (Jessica Hsuan) gains full support from her loyal husband KOT KWOK KWONG (Sunny Chan) so that she is able to concentrate fully on her works. At court, MAN strongly believes that everyone is equal before the law and she tackles every challenge confidently. At home, she never bothers about the household duties which are all taken by husband and any complaints filed by mother-in-law. MAN just takes things for granted but fate continuously to convince her that law cannot be applied to every situation.
MAN feels sympathized with HO SAU SAU (Joyce Tang) who suffers from slight mental disorders. Trying to help, MAN allows her to come into her family but this creates an opportunity for SAU to replace MAN’s role as a wife and a mother completely. KWONG is seriously injured during a car accident. His relative KOT TAK WAN ( Johnson Lee) lectures KWONG how to fight against MAN and this leads to serious communication breakdown between the couple. Swindler HO SHI FU (Benz Hui) appears in MAN’s life as a hopeless villain from the lower class but he is in fact the father of a senior official.
“Just Love II” is a story about law and human nature. How would the couple tide over the difficulties?
老公发飚自辩 老婆执法伺候
裁判官高希敏(宣萱)婚后得到廿四孝丈夫葛国光(陈锦鸿)的无限量支持,在事业上愈战愈勇,纵然面对法庭内刁钻棘手的案件及千奇百怪的对手也无畏无 惧,全因她坚守”法律面前人人平等”的信念;在家庭上无牵无掛,纵然面对家婆的无声抗议及千篇一律的家务琐事也从容自在,全因她奉行”男主内,女主外”的 理念;她把一切看作理所当然之时,命运让她经历了一次又一次不能单用法理去解释的严峻考验。
一名患有轻度精神病的何秀秀(滕丽名),因希敏对她的身世起了怜悯之心,竟大开门户让她闯进其生活圈子,為她制造无限进佔自己家庭、甚至取替其作为 妻子及母亲地位的机会;继而是国光因车祸入院重伤,被亲戚葛德云(李思捷)教唆接连欺骗希敏,令两夫妻陷入分裂边缘;最后是不打不相识的骗徒何时富(许绍 雄),一个在希敏眼中低下卑鄙的流氓,竟然是堂堂高官的亲生父亲..
TVB Rosy Businss 巾帼枭雄
Title: Rosy Businss 巾帼枭雄
Cast: Sheren Tang, Wayne Lai, Ron Ng, Yueh Wah, Kiki Sheung, Susan Tse Suet Sam, Kara Hui, Nancy Wu
Episodes: 25
Release date: 27 April 2009
Filmed: August 2008
Producer: Lee Tim Sing
Scriptwriter: Cheung Wah Biu & Chan Ching Yee
An incisive portrait of a business woman
torn between duty and desire
HONG PO KEI’s (Sheren Tang) engagement with Wuxi rice baron TSEUNG KIU (Yueh Wah) broke off many years ago when a natural disaster hit the country. Later when the country was running out of food supply her whole family was killed and she become a criminal. Over the years, KEI has never got over KIU. She has been trying to prove he is not as heartless as the others think. Fate has it that they meet again and she becomes his fourth wife. KIU’s first and second wives, YAN FUNG YEE (Tse Suet Sum) and PANG KIU (Kiki Sheung), always make things difficult for KEI. KEI, who is an extremely clever person who never wastes time on trivial things, turns every threat into an opportunity. This makes KIU appreciate her wisdom and persistence. He entrusts his business to her and tells her to find a suitable successor for him before he dies.
Despite all the attacks in the family, KEI manages to keep the business in good shape. She has never forgotten KIU’s last wish, too. By chance, she discovers that TSEUNG PIT CHING (Ron Ng), KIU’s second son, is not really a playboy but an upright person loved by everyone in the shop. She therefore guides and helps him in every possible way, but her efforts are met with CHAI KAU’s (Wayne Lai) challenges. KAU seeks vengeance for being mistreated and wants a pay back from TSEUNG family. After rounds after rounds of battle wits and actual fights, KEI and KAU begin to appreciate each other. KAU even falls for KEI as time goes by.
一场天灾,粉碎了本是小家碧玉康宝琦(邓萃雯)与无锡米王蒋乔(岳华)的婚约;一次断粮,灭绝了她全家的性命而沦落为朝廷钦犯。多年来,在宝琦的内 心只惦念着当年弃约的蒋乔,总在设法亲自求证自己所爱之人绝非无情之士,直至一次偶然的机会,宝琦与蒋乔再遇,得以再续前缘,顺利嫁入蒋家成了四姨太。自 入门后,宝琦常遭大奶奶殷凤仪(谢雪心)及二少奶彭娇(商天娥)的无理加害,但她心思慎密、不拘小节,眼观全局,总是化危为机。乔深明大义,心裡由衷敬佩 宝琦的识见及坚持,当他病危离世前决将米业交由她托管,希望她找出最适当的接任人。
这个千斤重任令宝琦腹背受敌,但她不负所托,竭力掌管家业及细心寻觅接任人,终让她发现外表只管吃喝玩乐的二子蒋必正 (吴卓羲)原是为人正直、重情重义之士,且在米行内极具亲和力,宝琦便一面扶植必正上位,一面力挡当年在蒋家受尽折磨,存心报仇的柴九(黎耀祥)。柴九事 事冲着蒋家而来,处处对蒋家不利,二人斗智斗力,时而短兵相接,时而拳脚交加,最终强强相对后,二人竟变成惺惺相惜,柴九更因而对宝琦產生倾慕之情..
Credits: Astro On Demand